Buy Online Creme Brulee Lampe Berger 500ml Parfum de Maison Lamp Perfume

Creme Brulee Lampe Berger 500ml Parfum de Maison Lamp Perfume

Creme Brulee Lampe Berger 500ml Parfum de Maison, Lamp Perfume, Fragrance Lamp Oil First, there's a noise. The crack as the spoon breaks the thin crust of caramelized sugar to reveal the smooth creamy yellow beneath. This releases a smell like no other, both subtle and sensual: the sweetness of the slowly simmered milk, the fleshy fruitiness of the vanilla, the luxurious sugariness of the caramel. Then and only then, once your nose has flirted for long enough with the promise of physical pleasure, comes the tasting: the very slight bitterness of almond spreading over your taste buds, the velvety feel of cream rolling over your tongue. Cr me br l e is not just a dessert. It's almost a sin. Inspired by nature, cherished memories, and distant travel, the Lampe Berger Parfums de Maison collection invites you to live well. every day. Our premium home fragrances release an exceptionally delicate scent of unparalleled quality. Through our catalytic process, these beautifully perfumed notes permeate your living space and purify the air.